7. Amber Fort and Palace, Jaipur, India

Located on the outskirts of Jaipur, the Amber Fort (pronounced Amer) is one of the principal attractions of tourists travelling to the capital city of Rajasthan. Constructed by Raja Man Singh I the fort blends the Hindu as well as the Rajput elements of art sand architecture.

The Amber Fort (pronounced Amer) is one of the principal attractions of tourists travelling to the capital city of Rajasthan.

Perhaps the most fascinating element of the fort remains its four-level layout plan that consists of the Diwan-e-Khas or the Hall of Private Audience, the Diwan-e-Aam or the Hall of Public Audience, the Sheesh Mahal or the Palace of Mirrors among others. Each year the fort reports an average of 5000 visitors every day and received 1.4 million visitors in 2007. Parts of the site date back to the 1700s, and the spacious zenana (palace for women) includes a rather simple but remarkable air conditioning facility.

The Zenana has a gorgeous view of the rugged surroundings. Try standing on the balcony to admire the view. The fort being so vast is facilitated with elephant tours around on the grounds. If you're visiting Jaipur, you certainly should not miss Amber fort which is on the way to New Delhi. The fort and palace complex is vibrant with stories of various kings -- how they lived and what all they made within this complex. In the evening there is also a sound-and-light show which covers the history from 1070 to the present day and is a must-see.

Amer Palace (also spelled and pronounced as Amber) is located in Amer (a town with an area of 4 square kilometres (1.5 sq mi), 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) from Jaipur, Rajasthan state, India. It is the principal tourist attractions in the Jaipur area, located high on a hill Amer Fort was built by Raja Man Singh I. Amer Fort is known for its artistic style of Hindu elements. With its large ramparts, series of gates and cobbled paths, the fort overlooks the Maota Lake, at its forefront.

The aesthetic ambiance of the palace is seen within its walls on a four level layout plan (each with a courtyard) in a well turned out opulent palace complex built with red sandstone and marble consisting of the Diwan-e-Aam or the "Hall of Public Audience", the Diwan-e-Khas or the "Hall of Private Audience", the Sheesh Mahal (mirror palace) or Jai Mandir, and the Sukh Niwas where a cool climate is artificially created by winds that blow over the water cascade within the palace. Hence, the Amer Fort is also popularly known as the Amer Palace. The palace was lived in by the Rajput Maharajas and their families. At the entrance to the palace near the fort’s Ganesh Gate, there is also a temple dedicated to Sila Devi, a goddess of the Chaitanya cult which was given to Raja Man Singh when he had defeated the Raja of Jessore, Bengal in 1604. (Jessore is now in Bangladesh). This palace along with Jaigarh Fort, located immediately above on the Cheel ka Teela (Hill of Eagles) of the same Aravalli range of hills, is considered as one complex, as the two are well connected by a subterranean passage. This passage was meant as an escape route in times of war for the royal family members and others in the Amer Fort to shift to the more redoubtable Jaigarh Fort.

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